VectorNet Server Commands: /kick [--server] [reason] -This kicks a user off of VectorNet. [reason] is optional, where the reason is displayed after the message, in parentheses. If --server is used, this command will be treated as if the command was issued from the console (kicked from VectorNet) /ban [--server] [reason] -This bans a user from a channel. If --server is used, it will ban the user off VectorNet. /mute, User -Globally mutes a user from VectorNet. Only Admins can see what they are saying. /channelphantom -Toggles channel phantom (Admin only). You can hear from all channels instead of just the channel you are in. /broadcast -Broadcasts a message to all clients (Admin only). /move -Moves to the specified channel. Perfect for removing someone from the channel as a warning before a kick ;)